About Us
Where the Passion Begins
Over the years, Koon's Sawmill has continuously evolved to best serve our clients’ needs. However, throughout it all, one thing has always remained the same - to hire only the best and most knowledgeable people to bring the heart and passion to our company. Take a few minutes to get to know our crew below.

Meet The Owner

Chris Koon, owner, and operator of Koon’s Sawmill began his career by joining the army. He received a forestry degree from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in southern Georgia and has been in the forestry industry for almost 21 years. Nearly 6 years ago, Chris decided to open the sawmill after realizing his dreams of working both in forestry and public services. An opportunity presented itself, and Chris began work with just himself and a sawmill. Today, the company has grown exponentially to include 3 employees and a wide range of product offerings for its customers.
Meet The Team
Mitch Wilber

Jake Wilber

Mike Corder

Gabe aka "Gunshow"

The Official Mascot of Koon’s Sawmill
Everyone meet Ollie! Ollie has been with us for about two years now. Ollie enjoys constantly getting in the way, greeting customers, sleeping, washing tires, and keeping the moral high!
Stop by and say hi! He will appreciate it!